I finally got a bike! It’s been 3 years since I last had one, since I passed my full category-A test back in June 2017 so I’m inexperienced and have forfeited the two years no-claims bonus I’d accumulated whilst on a Provisional licence.
I came across the ad on the Used Bikes section of the Maidstone Honda website listed as ex-showroom with only 969 miles on the clock, for £5499. I really wanted it, particularly in the blue rather than the red. So I got the finance, and had it delivered on 7th August although by that time, with the service and test rides in between, the mileage was up to 1020 but still low, and a very nice bike.
I had the finance increased to include sale and fitting of a DataTool S4 Green (Honda-specific model) alarm as well as sale & fitting of engine crash bars (just in case), and paid outright for a DataTool TrakKing Adventure (tracker) to also be fitted.
Hayden (front) & Bailey (back) From front to back: Cara, Cole & Chris Chris looking the part! Cara didn’t want to take it off! Cole just chillaxing
Since then I’ve been more in contact with my former station manager SSJ (“Es EzJay”) who invited me to a bikers’ evening at Nell’s Café on the Thursday night, which I accepted. I met two of SSJ’s best friends, who are also the President and the Treasurer of the MCC (motorcycle club) which SSJ belongs to – Cobras Unbound MCC (Kent) which is just one chapter of many around Europe as well as Thailand, Japan and the USA.
So I met Paul L aka “Fumbz”, and Paul N aka “Nips”, and they invited me to join them as an Associate (formerly referred to as a Prospect).

They have welcomed me into their club, explained my role as Associate, and gone through all the DOs and DON’Ts (including biker etiquette). Hayden has also made a new friend (Fumbz’ daughter Emily), and I feel like I have a new sense of belonging!